Ten Ways To Live In A Residence

· 5 min read
Ten Ways To Live In A Residence

Students in their first year experience either fear or happiness when they are in a residence. Many students will be living in a different location for the first time. For me, living in residence at the University of Lethbridge meant that I was five hours from my parents' eyes. Freedom was never so good.

It's a lie. The initial two months of freedom were a sham.

Sure, there were some events meant to introduce you to other students, but there were so many new people I was unable to keep track of names and let alone form strong connections.

I would like to believe I've gained a lot of knowledge on how to make the most out living in a house. So I have compiled some tips for anyone considering the possibility of living in a home.

Leave your door open.

It's impossible to meet new people if you're always hiding in your home.  terra hill 's more comfortable to have conversations with someone inside your own home than to attempt to be heard in a group. Jade, my best friend, was born this way. After a few weeks power was cut off and plunged our entire floor into darkness. My dad works for Parks and I have an enormous collection of mini flashlights from all his promotional events. I turned on all of them and suspended them from my ceiling so they looked like stars. Jade was amazed by my customized light show and invited herself to come along for six years of friendship.

Take the time to build friendships.

School isn't all about the books. While grades are important, it's not just about the grades. It's your friends that will be there at 2 AM with Little Caesars, beer and an extra shoulder to cry on. Your social life will make your post-secondary journey a successful one. When you think of Little Caesars beware of the freshman fifteen; it is real and is likely to take place!

Get some cooking tips and purchase a meal plan to help you back up.

I can't count the number of times I set off the fire alarm while trying to cook something. There is nothing more harrowing than having the fire trucks arrive due to your inability to cook. Also, I'd like to mention that kitchens in most homes are communal and not everyone can be a great housekeeper. Maggots may be found in the sink when your roommate hasn't washed dishes for months. You'll be glad that you have an allowance for food!

Pick your battles Don't worry about the smallest aspects.

Jade was crying the very first time she walked into my bedroom. A group of the girls in her quad decided that it was an excellent idea to suckle her Saturday-night urine using Jade's vacuum. I can't recall telling Jade. Jade should have contacted her promptly instead of letting her frustration fester and getting more angry after her roommate broke one her mugs three weeks later. If you don't take care of the big stuff when it happens, it may be a source of stress for the smaller stuff and completely destroy the relationship between roommates. While you don't need to like your roommates, it's important to show respect and respect. You're stuck with your roommates throughout the year, so it's a good idea to establish rules in advance.

Make sure you have a bag for your shower and flip the flipflops.

Let's be honest the shared bathrooms aren't always the cleanest places in a residence. You probably don't relish taking care of your bathroom in your home, so how do you think that's going to change when you're alone with other roommates who feel the exact like you? I'm pretty sure that you'll need something to hold on to after having a look at hairballs from someone else's shower. A plastic bag with a handle is a good option to carry your entire belongings around in your bedroom. If you leave it out in the open it is likely that someone will steal your shampoo, use the razor or brush their teeth using your toothbrush.

Clean your sheets.

There's a good chance that you'll have company at some point (no no, not this kind of company-- get your head out of the gutter). My pal Jade and I spent quite a few nights curled up on my couch watching How I Met Your Mother Reruns, when we were feeling alone. When I broke down in the second semester of my degree and begged my mom to visit me since I had missed her so much, she slept with me there, too. You may be wondering why this particular tip was included on my list. However, you'd be surprised how many people ignore the basics of hygiene. Dan, my buddy, took a vow to not clean his sheets for the entire year. The noxious smells coming from his room became so bad that a group of us taped duct tape over his door to block the smell.

You'll feel homesick so make sure you contact home often.

Being a single parent makes it easier to appreciate the little things your parents are doing. When I first started university, I had no idea that my mom was doing the same thing for me for years so I wouldn't lose them. Your parents are likely to be sad for you too; they love you more than you realize and are more burdensome for them than you imagine. Even if it's just a simple text in the morning letting them know you're alive, make sure you send it. It's important.

Avoid sharing too much on social media.

I'm all for posting pictures of you and your pals having a blast at the corn fair, but residence can reveal the worst and best of people. Don't share any information that you don't want your grandma viewing, and do not tag others in a situation that might compromise. We all are learning and developing and need an amount of privacy to accomplish that. There will be occasions when you make mistakes and there will be times when you'll regret the mistakes and feel ashamed. Your family and your future employers won't need to know this. Keep the memories, but don't save the photos.

If humanly possible you can, try to avoid the 8 a.m. classes.

They're a hassle and wasted time. You don't get enough sleep during your time in this position. It doesn't matter if it's late night adventures with your pals or working on a project late at night, the day before the due date there's a good chance that you're not going to get an uninterrupted 8 hours of shut-eye so give yourself a bit of time to get moving at the beginning of the day when you can.

You are who you are.

While some might believe that moving into house will allow you to reinvent yourself, I don't agree. It's way too hard to pretend to be somebody you're not. What did you think if you were an avid geek at high school? You'll be surrounded by similarly awesome students in post-secondary! You will find a lot of students from various backgrounds living in your home. However, you do have two things in common: all of you live in the same residence and all of you are students. This will bring you together. You're living in close quarters which means that the people you meet will be your family, regardless of disagreements. Do it!

The experience of living in a residence is unique experience that taught me much about myself, and allowed me to make lasting friendships and memories. I highly recommend it to all first-year students, even if you have the option to live with friends or family off the campus.